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How to prepare for the arrival of a new babysitter or nanny

When it comes to caring for your children, getting the right help is paramount. Bringing in a new babysitter or nanny to help out can be a challenging but rewarding process. Planning ahead and being prepared for their arrival is the key to making sure your children and the new babysitter or nanny have a positive experience. In this article, we’ll explore some tips for how to prepare for the arrival of your new babysitter or nanny.

Outlining Job Responsibilities

Before bringing a babysitter or nanny into your home, it is important to define the expectations you have of this individual. This includes establishing the specific duties they will be responsible for and the hours they will work. Make sure to clearly explain all job responsibilities, such as preparing meals, changing diapers, helping with homework, and putting the child to bed. Additionally, talk over expectations of the nanny or babysitter’s arrival and departure times and other specifics such as disciplinary measures.

Making sure Safety Measures are Met

Ensuring the safety of your child should be the primary priority in any babysitting situation. Ask about the individual’s experience and qualifications for caring for children, as well as if they have any certifications or a background check. It is prudent to put all safety protocols in a signed contract and reiterate them with the nanny or babysitter in a face-to-face meeting. Safety measures should include making sure there are certain areas of the house off-limits and that the babysitter or nanny is aware of emergency procedures.

Explaining Rules and Expectations

Having an open dialogue with the nanny or babysitter is key to making sure they understand the job expectations. Have a comprehensive discussion to go over the rules and expectations of the job such as allowable activities, use of electronics, and any dietary preferences. It is also important to make sure the individual is aware of any allergies the child may have and the consequences for not following instructions.

Informing the Nanny or Babysitter of Your Schedule

It is essential to keep the nanny or babysitter up to date of your family’s daily routine and schedule. Keep them informed of any changes to the routine, such as parents’ work hours, any playdates or planned social events, and any scheduled vacation days. Additionally, discuss how often you’ll check in and any additional tasks or duties you’ll expect them to perform.

Creating a Friendly Environment

A successful babysitting experience depends on a friendly relationship between the nanny or babysitter and the child. Make sure to create a comfortable environment where the nanny or babysitter can interact with the child in a positive way. Provide them with any toys or activities they may need, and be sure to allow them time to bond with the child.

Setting Ground Rules

Preparing for the arrival of a new babysitter or nanny requires setting some ground rules in order to make the transition smoother. Before your new caregiver arrives, make sure to discuss the following topics:

Identifying Responsibilities

The first topic to discuss is the sitter’s duties. Will the babysitter need to prepare meals for the child, practice reading and writing, or help with picking up and dropping off from school? It’s important to let the sitter know what is expected of them prior to arriving and to make sure they are comfortable with the responsibilities that they have to fulfill.

Establishing Rules & Guidelines

Parents should also discuss any rules and guidelines that need to be followed while the sitter is on duty. This may include setting a bedtime for the child, not allowing cell phone use, or having no tv time during the week. It is important for the sitter to understand what is expected of them and to follow the rules that have been set.

Discussing Emergency Protocols

It is also important to discuss protocols in case of an emergency. The sitter should know who to contact if there is an emergency and you should provide them with contact information for your child’s doctor, pediatrician, and any other medical professionals that may be needed.

Providing House Instructions

It is also important to provide instructions for the house. This may include where the food and snacks are stored, where the extra bedding is, where the first aid kit is kept, and any other information needed to make the sitter’s job easier.

Explaining Payment & Leave of Absence Policies

Finally, it is important to discuss the payment and leave of absence policies with the sitter. You should let them know exactly what they will be paid, when they will be paid, and any other terms that have been agreed upon. You should also provide information on what is expected if they need to take a leave of absence.

By setting these ground rules prior to the start of babysitting, you can ensure that your sitter and child have a smooth transition and that both parties are comfortable with the expectations.

Communications and Availability

When preparing for the arrival of a new babysitter or nanny, it is important to communicate clearly with the new hire. Prior to their arrival, it is helpful to provide a questionnaire or interview the new hire to make sure that their expectations and yours are aligned. Questions regarding their experience, availability, and expectations can help you both feel more comfortable with the arrangement. The answers to these questions can also provide you with more information about the individual you are entrusting with your children.


Prior to hiring a babysitter or nanny, it is essential to discuss the availability that the candidate will have to provide childcare. Depending on your needs, it is important to be transparent about the approximate hours needed. This will ensure that when you hire someone, they are able to provide the required services for your family. It is best to find someone whose availability fits within your schedule and be upfront about any flexibility needed.


Once you have selected your babysitter or nanny, it is important to maintain an open line of communication. Letting the new hire know that they can reach out to you with questions or concerns can help to reduce stress and build a trusting relationship between you and the nanny. You should also make sure to communicate regularly with the new hire. This can include providing feedback, asking questions, and setting expectations. Doing this will ensure that your babysitter or nanny is providing the best care for your children.

References and Background Checks

Along with communication, it is important to do a background check and verify references for any new babysitter or nanny that you hire. You can use a reputable website to check to make sure that the candidate has no criminal record and that their references can attest to their reliability. By doing a background check and verification, you can feel more secure in your decision to hire the new babysitter or nanny.

Background Checks

Once you have narrowed your list of potential caretakers to one or two candidates, you should conduct a thorough background check. This includes checking references, verifying prior employment, and researching state and federal criminal records. Additionally, you should check driving records, if the nanny will be driving your children anywhere.

Check Social Media Profiles

Social media can be a great source of information. Look up the candidates online to make sure they are a good fit for your family. Review their accounts to get an idea of what kind of person they are, and check to see if the posts reflect maturity and good judgement.

Run a Credit Check

Running a credit check on the candidate can give you an idea of their personal responsibility and financial history. Some states require written permission for employers to run credit checks, so it’s important to find out if a credit check is allowed in your state.

Check Sex Offender Registries

Another important step in performing a background check is searching state and national sex offender registries. All states have public sex offender registries, which you can search online. If the nanny is not listed in the registry, it is not a guarantee that they do not have a criminal record, so you will also want to research other possible criminal records.

Look Up Professional Licenses

If your babysitter is a professional, you should verify that their licenses are current and valid. This includes any certifications, such as a CPR or First Aid certificate. You should also check to see if the professional is listed in any professional organizations or databases.

Request an Interview

After you have completed the background check and have more information on the candidate, you should request an interview. During the interview, discuss the potential position in detail, including the hours, duties, and responsibilities. Ask the candidate any final questions you may have, and make sure the nanny is a good match for your family.

Creating a Schedule

When you are preparing for the arrival of a new babysitter or nanny, it is important to establish a routine for the kids that can be followed during the caregiver’s shift. This will make the transition easier for everyone, and children are more likely to adapt to new situations when there is some structure in place. You may want to consider setting up a plan ahead of time with your babysitter or nanny, outlining the activities that will take place during the shift, such as meal times, nap times, playtime, and any additional tasks that need to be completed. Establishing a routine that can be followed will help ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Putting Together a Schedule

Another important step in preparing for the arrival of a new babysitter or nanny is to put together a schedule. This schedule should include days and times that the caregiver will be available, as well as any specific tasks that need to be completed during their shift. By creating a schedule ahead of time, you can avoid confusion and ensure that all of the necessary tasks are taken care of. Additionally, this may also help protect against any potential conflicts between the babysitter or nanny and the family, as all expectations are outlined ahead of time.

Including Break Times

When you are putting together the schedule for your babysitter or nanny, don’t forget to include break times. Part of being a good employer is ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to take a break. This includes your babysitter or nanny. Make sure to include a lunch break and any other break times that may be required. If possible, it is also a good idea to provide additional breaks throughout the shift to give the caregiver the chance to rest and recharge.

Being Flexible

Although it can be helpful to have a set schedule in place, it is important to also be flexible. Life doesn’t always go according to plan, and it’s important to be able to adapt if unexpected circumstances arise. If your babysitter or nanny needs to adjust their schedule, be sure to be open to that. This also applies to you as a parent. It is important that you are willing to be flexible if something comes up that can’t be avoided.

Communicating Expectations

Finally, when preparing for the arrival of a new babysitter or nanny, it is important to remember to communicate your expectations. Be sure to clearly outline the job responsibilities, schedules, and any other necessary details to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that your babysitter or nanny is comfortable in their role. Open communication is key to having a successful relationship with your caregiver, so be sure to take the time to discuss any questions or concerns that may arise.

Providing Safe Environments

As the arrival of a new babysitter or nanny approaches, it is important to ensure that the home environment is ready for them. This includes making sure that all areas of the house are safe for the babysitter or nanny to move around in, such as cleaning up any potential hazards and ensuring that all exits are easily accessible. It is also important to consider the toys and other items that will be in use, as these should be age-appropriate and developmentally appropriate for the children in the family’s care.

Setting Expectations and Rules

Another important step is to ensure that expectations and rules are set for the babysitter or nanny. These should include general rules such as no smoking, no unauthorized visitors and specifics such as what time the children need to be in bed, what activities they should engage in, and any other important expectations. Making sure that these expectations are clearly communicated will help to establish a safe and supportive environment for both the babysitter or nanny and the children in their care.

Introducing the New Caregiver

Once the environment is deemed safe and expectations are set, it is important to introduce the new babysitter or nanny to the children in their care. This is a good opportunity to review the household rules and expectations, as well as allow the children to get to know the caregiver. By introducing the new caregiver to the children in a friendly and supportive way, it will help to create a positive and safe environment for the children.

Conducting Supervision Checks

To ensure that the new babysitter or nanny is providing a safe and secure environment for the children in their care, it is important to conduct supervision checks. This can be done either in person or remotely by using video surveillance. Supervision checks should be done regularly and should include ensuring that the new caregiver is following all of the expectations and rules that were set.

Regularly Monitoring the Situation

In addition to conducting supervision checks, it is important to regularly monitor the situation to ensure that the new babysitter or nanny is providing a safe and secure environment for the children in their care. This can be done by periodically checking in with the children, communicating with the babysitter or nanny, and observing any changes in behavior or attitude of either the children or the new caretaker. By doing this, parents can ensure that their children are in a safe and nurturing environment.

Establishing Trust

When you’re preparing to bring a new babysitter or nanny into your home, it’s important to establish trust between the caregiver and the family. One of the best ways to build trust is to conduct a background check. This should include going through the person’s references, checking for criminal records, and researching childcare certifications. This will give you an idea of the person’s overall reliability and track record when it comes to looking after children.

Set Expectations

Before the new babysitter or nanny arrives in your home, it’s important to set expectations. This should include going over household rules and outlining the duties and responsibilities of the role. It’s also important to discuss any plans for activities and outings the caregiver may be responsible for. This helps set boundaries and gives the new caregiver an idea of what is expected of them.

Talk to Your Children

When hiring a new babysitter or nanny, it’s important to involve your children in the process. Letting them know that someone new is coming to the home and that they have a say in the decision can help them build trust in the new caregiver. It’s also good to introduce the new caregiver to your children in advance, so they can start to get to know each other.

Provide an Orientation

When the new babysitter or nanny arrives, it’s important to provide an orientation. Let them know where items are located such as first aid supplies, snacks, and toys. It’s also important to provide a tour of the home and go over basic safety protocols. Giving the new caregiver a clear understanding of how things work and how to handle any situation that may arise when caring for your children builds trust.

Discuss Emergency Plans

Finally, before the new babysitter or nanny starts their first day, it’s important to go over emergency plans. This should include discussing potential medical issues, outlining any evacuation plans in case of an emergency, and providing contact information for family and friends. This ensures that the new caregiver is prepared to handle any situation that may arise while caring for your children.

Tips for a Smooth Transition

Having a new babysitter or nanny come into your child’s life can be a major transition for them. It is important to prepare your child for the new arrival to ensure that the transition is as smooth and stress-free as possible. Begin by introducing the new babysitter or nanny to your child before their first day. Get your child involved in the selection process and let them meet potential candidates. Talk to them about the new babysitter or nanny and explain what the new arrival means for their routine. Explain the job of a babysitter or nanny, and how they will be there to help and support your child. Establish set and clear rules and expectations between both the parent and the new babysitter or nanny. Make sure to give both parties enough time to get to know each other and ensure that your child feels comfortable and secure with their new caretaker. Having an open line of communication and a positive attitude will help to make the transition process easier.

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